Tuesday, January 8, 2008

VLCD 16 -290.6

It feels so much better to see that whole pound drop :) The things I changed yesterday: eat every couple of hours, starting from within a half hour of rising; drank 3 liters of water; and added meditation and visualization. I read the Soul, Mind, Body Healing book and have added some of the healing meditations. I have worked in massage and with energy medicine in the past and it feels right to add it in. I am following these three additions today.

One thing I noticed as I follow protocol is that I am more expressive with my emotions. I am not "swallowing" them the way I normally do, and I don't mean by eating as much as by suppressing them. I think this might be part of the emotional side of healing my obese self. In eastern medicine, when you have feelings that you do not acknowledge it leads to imbalance and dis-ease within the body. I have recognized for some time that I take on the burdens of others without caring for myself. I cannot continue to live my life this way if I want to be nurtured and healthy. Perhaps that is one reason why my body believed it was starving, because it was energetically.

I also noticed as my ex-fiance let me down once more, that I coincidently have his exact body weight to lose... Talk about serendipity :) It seems like cleaning house on the physical, mental, and spiritual planes is part of this journey to health, at least for me.


Crystal Lee said...

Woo that is interesting. I too believe in natural healing and spiritual healing. I have worked with many nutritionists in the past and one of them expressed to me that emotions are directly linked to diseases. For example worry is linked to cancer, anger/frustration to diabetes, etc. Apparently these emotions release certain toxins in your body that trigger these "bad boy" diseases.

I have learned to "listen" to my body more since visiting the nutritionists but especially since starting the HCG program.

BizBuzz said...

Excellent, glad it's working it's way down again!