Saturday, February 2, 2008

Sorry for the absence

Well ladies and gents I did my last injection for round one on Friday. I will enter P3 on Wednesday. I am really looking forward to bacon and cheese :) The last few weeks have been crazy with travel and with the spring semester starting. The best thing about this protocol is that it is very forgiving. I mean that in the sense that I went way off plan in week five. I really didn't keep myself from having what I wanted... and though my weight went up a little with water retention, it came right back down when I got back on plan. I can honestly say, with no diet or lifestyle change have I had the ease of returning to the plan or the response from my body. My body was happy to go back to 500 calories, my weight immediately corrected. So I know the bad thing is that I probably would have lost another ten pounds this round, but the good news is that I still have lost more weight in 6 weeks than I ever have before. I am actually looking forward to round 2 which I hope to begin March 21st.

Glad to be back.... Load 307, Current weight: 283.


BizBuzz said...

Most excellent! You are back! YES!

Crystal Lee said...

I was wondering where you were girlie! LOL
Congrats on the loss and make sure to "ease" into P3 or your weight will bounce around like a ping pong ball.
Cool beans!
