Tuesday, March 11, 2008

VLCD 3 - Back in business

Ok, so not as low as I would have liked to be but 290.1 is a good chunk lower than 294. So, I woke up down 3.9 pounds from yesterday. I still feel bloated, my body is still trying to have a period, and at least I only work 12 hours today :) I would love some feedback on the whole TOM thing, I don't know if I should stop taking my BC and let TOM come, or if I should stick to the BC and treat it like breakthrough bleeding... I am using HCG from DD.ca this time and it doesn't feel the same as the HCG from NHW... in that I've felt hungry more... I'll wait and see if this changes over the next few days. I'm eating the same food as I was the first go around. So we shall see. Hope all is well with everyone...

Today's Menu:
Coffee, Splenda (2 packets) for breakfast
Blackberries, am snack 9:30
melba toast, no-fat cottage cheese, and mixed salad greens for lunch 1:00pm

Blackberries, melba toast, chicken breast, and mixed salad greens for dinner. 3:40

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