Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Some setbacks

Well, I can say that this has been an interesting lesson in how changing your life can result in some unstable cycles... I just had my first miscarriage, well I guess technically that is still in process. I started my second round and had trouble with the period that just wouldn't stop and when I stopped my Hcg, it would stop. I restarted my hcg on Sunday and Monday morning, it finally happened. I say finally, because now I know what was going on with my body.

I am relieved because I am not in a place where being a mom is an option and I haven't really talked about it with my family because they don't even probably remember the guy I was dating two months ago that well. I feel blessed because before I even knew I was pregnant it was over. So I didn't have to worry or make any hard decisions. I was able to just live in ignorance. I was unaware partially because I was on birth control that lasts for three months.

I am not sure if I have to wait to start my low calorie days back up... I am listening to my body now and trying to give it what it needs, so yesterday I had more protein than usual. We will have to wait and see how this plays out over the next few weeks.


BizBuzz said...

OMG - are you ok? Are you in pain? Please make sure you are giving yourself time to heal from this, both emotionally and physically ok? OH MY - who would have thought???

Andrew Clarke said...

Hi, this should be an e-mail but I could not find an address. I can identify with some of what you blog about because I need to lose about 30 pounds myself; and I HATE dieting. But I wanted to ask you: if you enjoy reading fantasy, can I suggest another title to try? I wrote "Outcasts of Skagaray" because I felt strongly about the undervalued and rejected people of the world, and wanted to write a fantasy adventure, dealing with real life issues, in which the "outcasts" had a win. If you want to preview it, please go to www.threeswans.com.au and check the sample chapters. If you read it I would love to hear your opinion. Best wishes.